Monday, October 6, 2008

Current Event Week 3 Post

For this weeks current event, I read an article in the Washington Post called "Big Gains In Voter Registration Could Benefit Obama". I found this article to be interesting since I am an Obama supporter.

As the statistics say in the article, this year the most substantial amount of new voter increase was Florida, who had 600,351 new voters this year. Out of all of those voters, 53% are registered as Democrats, 21% as Republicans and 26% independents. As of new voters for other states such as North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, all new voters have registered as 50% or above as democrats. But, besides a substantial amount of new democratic registered voters, the newly registered republicans amount has dropped. In North Carolina, 208,000 voters have registered democrat, and only 34,000 new voters are registered as republicans. 208,000 sure feels a lot bigger then 34,000. The main new set of voters in North Carolina is mainly minorities, at first at the beginning of the year, North Carolina white voters out numbered African-Americans 4 to 1 and Hispanics 10 to 1. Now this year there are new 146,000 registered voters in North Carolina of African-Americans and Hispanics, which is ¾’s of the amount of the total of new white voters. In Virginia, Obama volunteers rise up higher and there are 310,000 new registered voters since the beginning of this year. Even though we cannot determine what party affiliation all these new voters are (because Virginia does not require you to state it), there has been a 10% increase in democratic voters in many democratic counties in Virginia.

Hopefully things will turn into Obama's favor, and I'm definitely looking forward to vote in November since I'm turning 18 before the voting day and I just registered to vote this weekend! :)

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