Sunday, October 26, 2008

Current Event #6

This weeks article that I read was called "Counting On Colorado" in the Sunday Washington Post of October 26th. Talking about another battle ground state area between the two parties in the upcoming Presidential election.

As for problems that persist for McCain that is benefiting Obama this whole time is the money Obama has. Obama has had a 3-1 ratio of more money then McCain has this whole election which allows Obama’s campaigning to dominant over his opponent. Many republicans in Colorado acknowledge Obama’s efforts in campaigning for their consistency and persistency in Colorado, but they believe they’ll pull away with the state because of previous Republican roots and experience. In the Denver Post they did a research that concluded Obama will outspend on campaign ads on TV 7-1 in Denver. Overall, Obama has spent $8.5 million on ads in Colorado during the general election, compared with $7.9 million for McCain. In the past week, Obama spent $838,000 to McCain's $531,000. Once again Obama will campaign mainly for the minorities such as the growing Latino population in Colorado, African American communities, and the younger aged voters. In lower houses of government in Colorado, Ritter, a former Denver district attorney, captured the governorship from Republicans two years ago, and Democrats control both houses of the state legislature. Also in the senate, they hope to pick up the other seat, which is Senator Wayne Allard right now.

As the election closes up, we’ll see how the turn out goes in these states, I hope to see Obama take Colorado for his side, but who knows what will happen. The Colorado voters might not respond to change, and may remain on the republican side of things again for another presidential election, just like the last four decades.

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