It's funny, sometimes the oddest things bother you. What's even worse is they typically bother you when try to go to bed. I'm looking back and you wonder, why does this even happen? Asking myself, thought I was over it? Or better yet, why am I thinking about this in the first place? Yet cannot get it out of my head?
What's going on is my future, except this time I'm looking more in a perspective of God/Christianity.
Now, I'm not the most religious person ever and I do not have the best knowledge of the Bible, but I do consider myself a Christian. I believe in heaven an afterlife and I believe in God that he has a master plan and everything happens for a reason because it follows up into that plan.
How does my beliefs tie into what I'm thinking about? Well I was thinking about the path of my future and my past. Makes me wonder, why did I choose to go to VCU in the first place? Is there a lesson that was to be taught from attending the school here? What is the reason for my mistakes here and the suffering and sorrow I have went through in the last school year? I've came up with a lot of answers: To discover myself, find out who I really am instead of who I thought I was. To motivate myself more to make myself better than what I am with this transfer. Or maybe it's just another test or road block in life that's different for all. Maybe it's all three? Who knows, I just continue to contemplate about it.
As for my future, I'm thinking about consequences. If I get my transfer, I'll be happy (At least I hope I will). If I don't maybe it's a message from god, to stay away from JMU. Maybe it's his sign that I'm not meant to be there. Who knows...
Another thought is one of my friends at JMU. She's a really good friend of mine, but I constantly think her 2 of her friends there don't really like me. Just a weird vibe you know? I always meant to ask her if they hated me several times, but it always blows by my head every time we talk (which we talk very often so idk how that happens lol). It's funny how much this bothers me, though honestly I'd like to know the answer. There are plenty of reasons I can think of why they might dislike me, but I won't get into it...
Maybe I can get some sleep now...
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