Thursday, May 14, 2009

Senior Reflection Blog #1

Ok well, this is going to be some recent news, just some teenage angst that we all gotta deal with at some point as a teenager.
So you know how they always say, in your first year of having your license you will most likely get pulled over and at least get one ticket, or get in an accident. I got my license awhile ago in April last year and luckily I made it through the first year, happy fun stuff right? Never got a ticket, never been in an accident, sure am lucky to be me! Well today (May 14th) I got into my first accident...rather disappointing news when you think you're out of the clear! Thought I had enough room to back up hit the parked car behind, I said to myself "great...". I guess it also had to do with my frustration with losing my invisalign retainers a few minutes before, loss of focus. Now I have a huge dent on the side of my bumper, but luckily the car I hit only took damage to the license plate. Not quite sure how that adds up in equal damage, but I am sure lucky that his car was not worse. I just talked to the owner of the car, seemed like a pretty nice person, so I think things will be ok.
Overall I view this as an important life lesson. Karma sure does comes back around,and I definitely shouldn't let my stress get me so frustrated. But, hey it's an experience thing, had to go through an accident sometime in life first right?

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