So yay April Fools, wooo...w/e not the point of this post haha.
More importantly it's the last month of classes and even more importantly it's when I find out if they'll take me @ JMU in April, or I get waitlisted and they need to see my grades in May...This has gotten me so anxious recently and major stress left and right. Can't really sleep either because I constantly think about the future. Ha, I even found myself on this website called collegeconfidential.com which has forums to pretty much every single university or college in the U.S. Found a forum of other transfer students waiting also, so good to know I'm not the only one just as anxious for a decision. Though none of the others have received decisions yet either so we all assume it won't be until mid-April. Great more waiting huh? Well still gotta do well in school which is the stressful part. Honestly I wish I was accepted so I could get this weight lifted off of me and just go with mediocre B's instead of attempting straight A's again haha. Well it's 3:40am I should probably go to bed now instead of blogging more...