Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Election Blog Week 2

So as I stand so far in the 2008 Election I view as the economy as the strongest point I'm most concern with. After driving for several months by now, I've experienced the fluxuation between gas prices. I also view about the economic crisis in the stock markets that contributes to our struggling economy at this moment. When middle classed families are being laid off their jobs or recieving too little money out of their job's it makes you wonder how they're even supposed to pay off their bills, taxes, and general needs in life. Like 4 years from now I'll be thinking "How am I supposed to pay all my college tuition money that I owe to the banks, pay for my gas, pay my taxes, and use money for general needs?" Which is why Obama's idea for 95% tax decrease for working Americans sounds great. Do you really want more taxes to add to the ones you already have, so that you pull more money out of your pocket? I really don't think you want that!...

A State issue that I view important is probably immigration laws. I understand that we have many illegal immigrants in our country, and that they have become part of our economy and as well have their own part in our system now. I feel in my situation and how I stand on this has got to be somehow including already illegal ones into our country, but also start putting up more laws to prevent more influx of illegal immigrants. Because for one you cannot just have like an exodus of all illegal immigrants in our country because too many have molded into our economy, they take many of the low paying, no experience required jobs that a lot would not do. Without them we would not obtain the benefits of any of those services. But, I do think that by including the illegal immigrants that way into our society as citizens, we can avoid the conflict of them dodging taxes and other things.

So as for the debate I viewed, I thought both candidates did a very good job at providing their input of information. There seemed to be no crucial winner, both had many strong points and I would say equal points to counter act each other. Now I am an Obama supporter, but I still viewed McCain's reactions to Obama's ideas as valid different ideas or another way to do it, even though I do not neccessarily agree with those ideas. Although both brought up really good points, I viewed as a speaker Obama did a better job. It could be just Obama might be a better public speaker then McCain is and it just felt he kind of reaches out to you, rather then just stating facts like McCain. Obama also whenever he refers to something toward McCain or speaking to McCain he actually turns and looks at him directly. When McCain spoke about Obama or toward him he still faced forward. It seemed like McCain wanted to avoid confrontation with Obama involving eye to eye contact. Obama also seemed as a very attentive listener during this debate, as McCain would talk Obama would face him and seem very active in listening. McCain however had a tendency to look down a lot when Obama stated his points. I mean McCain could have been listening and probably was, but the actions of what he looks and does can mean different, I mean looking down at a paper with no eye contact might throw a person off. As teachers sometimes say "At least look at me while I'm talking and act like your listening at least". At the end what I liked about them both was they both did make a few jokes and laugh a bit which is always pleasing!

As for the media and how they did, I viewed that they did a good job with camera angles of course. Shows a different perspective as how the other candidate might respond to the other candidate or how they're are listening, showing many examples of how a candidate approaches the other. As for other types of media such as T.V. ads, I think they all try to persuade you to the candidate they are doing the ad for obviously, but also I think it reaches to the public more then any other source because T.V. seems more conventional now a days for someone to get information rather then other types of media. Also I view ads can always catch a person when they are not even watching something about politics in general, it can get them involved.

And I gotta say, It was very hard to watch that whole hour and a half of it...It was very forced...haha

Thats all I had to say about this debate! :D

Monday, September 29, 2008

Current Event Week 2

The article I read was called "Tough Medicine for a Weakened Wall Street" which was in the Monday edition (9/29/08) this week. It talks about Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and the $700 Billion dollar bail out for several banks. The article tells the readers that the original intention was never to make it cost $700 billion dollars but, rather just introduce enough funds to allow the flow of capital between the markets and homeowners but, major banks recessed. Also in the article it explains the other major intention was to jump start credit markets so that prices of securities would reach their original value so that private investors could re-enter the market with their money and feel confident to put capital into it again. Another main concern that probably has brought to people in America is probably how we'll regain all this money were giving to the banks. Paulson explains that the is plan to recover all this money used in the bail out through collecting insurance premiums, demanding stocks from participating banks, and if those do not work they will implement a new tax on the financial service industries in 2014. The legislation also hopes to even turn this into some extra profit besides recovering all the money back.

After reading this article I can say that this will help our economy out a lot if it's passed but as it says in one point in the article, this is won't be a immediate change and isn't a cure for our recessing economy, it is only a matter of a step to fix our economy. It's a main focus between both our presidential candidates on this economic crisis and I hope that which ever one gets elected can help fix it! Or else...you know...we'd be kinda screwed! haha

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Current Event #1

After discussing several current events in class today, I've found many different views of articles other people have found, but I viewed the one that effects me the most was mine, which was about Obama moving on more campaign efforts into Florida, which was an article in the Washington Post on Sunday (21st). I viewed that this was an important because I support Obama.

Closing up his campaigning here in Virginia and Washington D.C., Obama told the people at his fundraiser last Friday about moving on to Florida for further campaigning. Florida has been viewed as a battleground state in the last view elections and here's a few points on why he's focusing in Florida.

  • Obama views it's 27 electoral votes very important and it would be nice addition for him to win in the electoral college.
  • Al Gore in the 2000 election dropped his campaigning in Ohio to focus more in Florida, the outcome of that election as we remembered had a recount in Florida and decided the winner which Al Gore lost.
  • In the 2004 election Senator John Kerry focused more in Ohio in his campaigning whether then Florida, John Kerry did not win Florida or the election that year as we know, so the loss of Florida contributed to Kerry's loss in the election.

The facts line up that Florida plays a crucial factor in the last few years and if the trend sets, it should be another crucial state to aquire. Obama hopes to influence about 600,000 unregistered African-American voters in Florida to vote for him as well as other young adults who are unregistered voters. Obama also wants to focus on influencing the Jewish and Cuban communities in Florida which is a good amount of the population. He stresses on them to influence their communites to support Obama.

Obama has placed about $6 million dollars in campaigning in Florida and as well as $8 million dollars in commercial ads in Florida since this summer. But, McCain has done barely any campaigning or any active rolls in Florida up until this current week and is still ahead in the polls, but just barely. But, this makes you wonder, will Obama change the people of Florida's minds on who they're voting?

Both sides of the election are in Florida this week speaking the public so we'll see if that changes anything with some new polls and will see if it pays off on election day!

Good Luck to both candidates!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


So my blog has never let me put a music player HTML code into the blog ever since I made it...
I thought I got it by reverting it to the classic blog template and it worked, but no more add-on's and etc....so guess no music for Ronny's blog then! :(

If you got some advice tell me! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Week 1 Election Blog

I personally view myself more with a Liberal stand point on my views in government, so I guess you can say I lean more to a democratic party standing. I believe in pro-choice because I think it is the mother that should decide about abortion rather then it involving other people, I was ok with the war that we retaliated because of 9-11, but I do not think occupying Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries is necessary.
I support Obama in this election because I believe many of the things he wants to do if he becomes president is the right thing. Obama wants to focus on Energy Independence meaning to not battle oil companies like McCain and republicans but rather search for an alternative, and to have people drive more hybrids, and find other sources of energy such as more funding to use safe nuclear power. McCain also believes in finding alternatives and supports driving more hybrids but the difference is that he wants to directly battle oil companies. Obama also supports in focusing federal support to families in financial need, and to give children an ability to have a better education because college tuitions are sky rocketing. Obama, focuses on the economy in America. McCain similarily wants to support for the families in need however wants to focus on a free market economy and focuses on international trade more.